7/10/2023 – 1. Jahrestag

unterstützen wir gemeinsam den wiederaufbau des südens

Keren Hajessod hat zusammen mit der Jewish Agency for Israel, lokalen Gemeinden und Tekuma (Regierungsagentur zum Wiederaufbau des Südens) ein Rehabilitationsprojekt gestartet. Das Ziel ist es, in zehn Gemeinden im Gebiet um den Gazastreifen die persönliche wie auch die gemeinschaftliche Stabilität und Sicherheit wieder herzustellen.


Dear Friends,

We want to take a moment to update you on the unfolding situation in Israel and the recent dramatic escalation in the north, while Israel continues to face a seven-front war – Gaza, Hezbollah/Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen (Huthim) and Judea & Samaria.

Since October 8th, Hezbollah, a terrorist organization dedicated to the destruction of Israel, has been relentlessly bombarding military positions, communities, and civilians in northern Israel, displacing tens of thousands of people from their homes. Over the past few days, the situation has substantially deteriorated, with Hezbollah expanding its range of rocket attacks to include the greater Haifa area. Non-stop barrages of missiles have targeted civilian populations, forcing hundreds of thousands of Israelis into bomb shelters placing an additional 500,000 Israelis within striking range.  

In recent days, the IDF and Israeli security forces have intensified their operations against Hezbollah positions in Lebanon, including in its capital, Beirut. This escalation peaked with a remarkable IDF operation that eliminated several of Hezbollah’s top commanders and fighters in Beirut. The situation is constantly developing, and while there are achievements in the north, we do not forget for a moment our hostages in Gaza and our sacred mission to bring them home. We send our strength and appreciation to the IDF for defending Israel in all our borders.  

Keren Hayesod has been closely monitoring the situation in the north together with our partners at the Jewish Agency, local municipalities, and other authorities, following the emerging urgent needs and we are preparing for a potential escalation that will demand mobilizing all our resources, along with the support of our world leadership and donors, to assist the people of Israel in their time of need. 

To date, thanks to your support, we have provided grants to various regional councils and municipalities on the front lines. We have supported hospitals in the north, including Ziv Medical Center in Safed, Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya, Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, and Poriah Medical Center near Tiberias. We have renovated old, unusable shelters and provided mobile bomb shelters where needed. Recently, the Keren Hayesod professional team met with council and municipal leaders in the north to assess evolving needs, as well as with new immigrants in absorption centers to understand how they are coping with this new reality.

Now we are launching a campaign to supply emergency kits, including electric generators, to bomb shelters.

We estimate an increase in the needs and eligibility for individuals and families who will receive grants from the Fund for Victims of Terror. This Fund provides immediate financial assistance to those whose lives have been shattered by terror, supplementing the help provided by official state institutions. The Fund also provides long-term rehabilitation grants for psychological and other support to those who were physically injured, emotionally scarred, or who lost loved ones. The Fund has already provided thousands of grants, but as the war continues, more and more victims are added to the list.  


The State of Israel faces monumental challenges as it prepares for this latest wave of attacks, with the entire country potentially under threat. Your solidarity with the State of Israel – through your generous financial assistance, moral support, and prayers – sustains us during these difficult times. Together we will prevail! 

We will continue to keep you updated and informed about the emerging and urgent needs and are grateful for your commitment, dedication and readiness to step up and help us provide the resources required to help the people of Israel.




Steven Lowy AM

Chairman, World Board of Trustees


Sam Grundwerg
World Chairman 


Edna Weinstock-Gabay
CEO & Director General 

Die aktuelle Ausgabe des KH PULS
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Ausgabe 2

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Dank nachhaltigen Projekten unterstützt Keren Hajessod mit Ihrer Hilfe Israels benachteiligte Bevölkerung in der Peripherie und ermöglicht eine soziale Chancengleichheit.

Gleichzeitig werden die Aliya und Integration sowie das friedliche Zusammenleben aller Bevölkerungsgruppen sichergestellt.

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